Thirteen Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Success by Brian Tracy

Thirteen Absolutely ,Unbreakable, Laws of Success,  Brian Tracy, Baby Max, Responsibility, COntrol , Personal Development, Managing People, Self Improvement

Here’s 13 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Success by Brian Tracy.

1. The Law of Control: You feel good about yourself to the degree at which you feel you are in control of your own life.

2. The Law of Responsibility: You are completely responsible for everything you are and for everything you become and achieve.

3. The Law of Direction: Successful people have a clear sense of purpose and direction in every area of their lives.

4. The Law of Compensation: You are always fully compensated for whatever you do, positive or negative.

5. The Law of Service: Your rewards in life will always be in direct proportion to the value of your service to others.

6. The Law of Applied Effort: All things are amenable to hard work.

7. The Law of Overcompensation: If you always do more than you are paid for, you will always be paid more than you are getting now.

8. The Law of Preparation: Effective performance is preceded by painstaking preparation.

9. The Law of Forced Efficiency: The more things you have to do in a limited period of time, the more you will be forced to work on your most important tasks.

10. The Law of Decision: Every great leap forward in life is preceded by a clear decision and a commitment to action.

11. The Law of Creativity: Every advance in human life begins with an idea in the mind of a single person.

12. The Law of Flexibility: Success is best achieved when you are clear about the goal but flexible about the process of getting there.

13. The Law of Persistence: Your ability to persist in the face of setbacks and disappointments is your measure of your belief in yourself and your ability to succeed.

~ Brian Tracy

[tags]Leadership, Law of Success, Management, Thirteen Absolutely ,Unbreakable, Laws of Success, Brian Tracy, Baby Max, Responsibility, Control , Personal Development, Managing People, Self Improvement[/tags]

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