Stomp The Yard Movie Trailer

Stomp The Yard Movie Trailer , Street, Tap Dancing, Seo, Adsense, DotA

If you dancing, you got to catch this movie, I watch this last weekend and enjoy the movie..the story is about DJ, a troubled youth from Los Angeles attending the historically black Truth University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Stomp The Yard Movie Trailer , DotA, Dance, Stomping
When adapting to his new environment proves difficult, DJ finds solace in joining a struggling fraternity where he begins implementing his street-style dance moves in an attempt to help the step team win the coveted National Step Show Championship.

Stomp The Yard Movie Trailer , DotA, Dance, Stomping

Before long DJ becomes the competing fraternity’s main rival, while trying to pursue his new love interest, deal with his own troubled past and learn the true meanings of brotherhood and Fraternity along the way. Check out the cool dancing moves in movie trailer 🙂

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Some movie stills..

Stomp The Yard Movie Trailer , Street, Tap Dancing, Seo, Adsense, DotA Stomp The Yard Movie Clip, brothers together, love Stomp The Yard Movie Trailer , Dance, Stomping, Adsense Stomp The Yard Movie Trailer , Dance, Stomping, SEO

[tags]Movie Trailer,Stomp The Yard, Steping, Stompin, Dance[/tags]

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