Missing Person:Please Help Us to Find William Yau Zhen Zhong


Please Help Us To Find 6 years old William Yau Zhen Zhong. We have not recieved any information regarding William Yau Zhen Zhong until today We would like to urge the public to give information either by commenting or by “message”. Those with information on the missing boy can contact Sjn Goh Lai Than at 03-5631 9800 or 012-2197133 or William’s father, Yau Kok Kang at 016-969 1616.

Let’s do our part to help find six-year-old William Yau Zhen Zhong, who has been missing since Wednesday (Jan 16). Print this poster and stick it up to help with the efforts to find the boy, who was last seen at Jalan Putra Mahkota 7/6c in Putra Heights.

Missing-person-malaysian-william-yau-zhen-zhong,william you,missing person


Missing boy did not enter electrical shop, says salesman

SUBANG JAYA: Recordings from a closed circuit television belonging to an electrical shop showed that William Yau Zhen Zhong did not enter the outlet where his mother was looking at washing machines.

Onking Chain Store (M) Sdn Bhd salesman Kelvin Beah said the mother Goh Ying Ying, 26, had come to the shop in Putra Heights on Wednesday and then left about 10 minutes later.

“She returned shortly after, crying and asking me whether I had seen her son. I said I had not,” he said, adding that he then helped her to scour the area for the boy.

“I was on a motorcycle with another supervisor and we searched the entire area for William but he was nowhere to be found,” he said.

Beah said that from their CCTV recording, there was no sign of William entering the store, which was only a few metres away from the parked car.

Separately, Goh and her husband Yau Kok Kang, 32, have not been to their motorcycle shop since their son’s disappearence as they continued their daily search for him.

The mechanic who works at Yau’s shop Lim Say Kim, 26, said he had been looking after the shop since.

“I am sad to hear of the incident because William is like a son to me. I see him every day in the shop.”

Asked if they had been harassed by anyone before the incident, Lim said “no”.

Goh said that besides searching for William, she and Yau had been visiting temples to pray for the safe return of their son.

SUBANG JAYA: Police are poring over CCTV footage recorded from several locations in and around the area where six-year-old William Yau Zhen Zhong went missing.

Subang Jaya OCPD Asst Comm Yahaya Ramli said so far, there had been no CCTV footage of William although they had collected a recording from a restaurant near the electrical store where the boy was last seen.

“In that footage, the boy is not seen. But we will be taking a closer look at the footage in the hopes of finding an image of a small boy in a car or whatever, which can give us a lead to work on.

“Similarly, we will examine CCTV footage obtained from toll booths after 8.30pm on the day of his disappearance,” he said.

Admitting that this was a time-consuming process, ACP Yahaya said the police were however committed to this task as every minute counted in the search for William.

On Wednesday, William who is 110cm tall with an old scar mark on his right elbow was reported missing in Jalan Putra Mahkota, Putra Heights, near here after he came out of his family car to look for his parents.

Those with information on the missing boy can contact Sjn Goh Lai Than at 03-5631 9800 or 012-2197133 or William’s father, Yau Kok Kang at 016-969 1616.

RM20,000 reward for missing boy William Yau

KUALA LUMPUR: A RM20,000 reward has been offered to anyone who has valid information on missing child William Yau Zhen Zhong’s whereabouts.

MCA Public Services and Complaints Department Datuk Seri Michael Chong said that the reward would only be given if it led to Yau being found.

“This is for anyone who can give information leading to the finding of this child,” he told reporters at Wisma MCA.

Chong added, however, that the reward would not be given to anyone who might be holding Yau for ransom.

Yau’s parents, Yau Kok Kang and Goh Ying Ying, were at the press conference.

Yau’s parents contributed RM5,000 while the KK Group of Companies and the Honorary RELA Club (Federal Territories) donated RM5,000 and RM10,000 respectively.

Let’s work on bringing little lost William home safe

A little boy lost in the big city. Where could William Yau Zhen Zhong, barely six years of age, be? He is 110cm tall and has a scar on the left side of his forehead, and he has been missing since last Wednes-day.

Our hearts reach out in hope. Our hearts beat in solidarity with his parents and loved ones.

Now is not the time for acrimony or self-righteous sanctimony. Now is not the time to point fingers and add to the grief of his loved ones. And now is certainly not the time to abuse the helplines with false tips and hurtful remarks.

Our focus must be on finding William. And it is a credit to both the public and private sectors that they have all risen to the occasion to help in the search.

The social media has been abuzz since the case went viral, and we can expect Netizens to play a key role in mobilising resources.

The National Urgent Response (NUR) Alert for missing children has been triggered nationwide. The Health Ministry and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission have the necessary information on their portals.

Even political parties are doing their part; the MCA has mobilised its members to help in the search, and Wanita Umno is getting members to post posters of the boy in public places.

And credit must go to corporate citizens like RHB Bank which took out advertisements in the media to urge Malaysians to unite in helping to find the boy.

But above and beyond all that, we the ordinary citizens, can be the eyes and ears of the authorities.

It was somewhere in Puchong that he went missing but the net needs to be cast wider. It is, after all, much easier to move a little child around than an adult. So all of us, wherever we may be, need to be sensitive to the possibility that this little child may show up where he is least expected.

We can listen for careless whispers that may lead police to his whereabouts.

It is our fervent hope that William will be found before it is too late. And we all pray, whatever our faiths, for a miracle. That this little boy will be found and reunited with his family.

Source: TheStar

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