Jump Start Your Saving By Dave Ramsey


emergency fund,Jump Start Your Saving By Dave Ramsey, emergency fund, tips & tricks, piggy bank, pig save, money, investment, make money,save more moneyYou may already know that Baby Step 1 in Financial Peace University is saving $1,000 for a starter emergency fund. It might seem daunting to save up that much money, but you can do it! Even if you’ve never held $1,000 cash in your hands before, there are plenty of ways to quickly earn the money. Then you can stash it away in the bank for a rainy day. Here are several ways you can start saving for your emergency fund:

1. Get a second job. Sure, no one wants to leave their 9-5 day job only to head to a night shift somewhere else, but just keep in mind that it’s temporary. Remember, you have to live like no one else now so you can live like no one else later. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, consider babysitting someone else’s kids to bring in some extra cash each month. Many parents would rather have a friend watch their child instead of shuffling them to daycare.

2. Sell some stuff. You’re bound to have extra stuff around your home just collecting dust. If you don’t need it, sell it! Like Dave says, “Sell so much stuff that your kids think they’re next!” Do you really need five TVs? What about all the clothes in your closet? Throw all your unnecessary stuff in a pile and have a garage sale this weekend!

3. Stop eating out so much. If you are a typical American, you eat in a restaurant more than you eat in your dining room! Making your own meals and staying away from your favorite eatery could save you hundreds of dollars each year. Also, brown bag your lunch during the week-even Dave does that! You’ll see the money start to add up pretty quickly!

4. Carpool to work and activities. With gas prices going up, sharing the commute to work each day with a co-worker is a smart way to save. Whether you drive or ride, this will save you money in the long run.

5. Kick the habit. Whether it’s smoking, lattes or shoes, kick your indulgence to the curb. A $4 beverage from Starbucks every morning before work may not seem like a lot, but if you take that $4 and save it for just a month, you’ll have about $85! That should be incentive enough to stop splurging until you can actually afford it.

6. Ditch the cable. Ok, maybe you aren’t that extreme, but you could get rid of the premium cable channels. They don’t just waste your money; they waste your time! Besides, does anyone really watch all 573 channels?

7. Buy used things. Yes, this will push some beyond their comfort zone. However, considering the markups most retail stores charge on new items, buying “slightly experienced” goods makes a lot of sense. Visit resale shops. Surf over to eBay. Check out the classifieds. You may not enjoy digging around in someone else’s stuff, but garage sales are a sure way to save some cash.

8. Get a piggy bank. Whenever you have spare change, stash it away in your piggy bank. Over time, the change will build up and make a significant impact on your emergency fund.

9. Use your energy. What do you really enjoy doing? In what area are you especially talented? Now take those talents and find a few ways to make money with them. For example, if you’re an excellent cleaner, clean a few houses in your neighborhood to earn some extra cash. Maybe you love dogs. Why not walk your busy neighbor’s dog for a few bucks? Are you good at building things? Offer your services for side construction jobs. The possibilities are endless!

Now that you have some great ideas for quickly building up your emergency fund, it’s time to get busy! No more excuses!

Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, an extremely popular national radio personality and best-selling author of The Total Money Makeover. Dave is changing the face of America by helping people get out of debt and build wealth. Ramsey exemplifies his life’s work of teaching others how to be financially responsible, so they can acquire enough wealth to take care of loved ones, live prosperously into old age, and give generously to others. Find out more of what Dave has to say about saving an emergency fund.

[tags]Jump Start ,Saving, Dave Ramsey, zig ziglar, Tips , Tricks, piggy bank, pig save, money, investment, make money,save more money,Total Money Makeover, Finance[/tags]

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